This last year of school was torturous, not in the sense of I didn't like what I was doing, rather in the sense that I was being tortured. So I started to let how I was being treated manifest itself in my appearance so people could have a better understanding of how I was really doing. What follows are pictures during the last week of the spring semester.
I was one ugly beast. How could Katie stand to be in the same room as me when I looked like this, you may ask? Well, we weren't in the same room for most of this last semester. Nevertheless, I couldn't look like this when coming to Seattle, so before getting a haircut, I had to get this picture as the definitive "before".
This picture was taken as I was wrapping up a very large research paper on wind turbine aeroacoustics. I had been researching this topic on and off for a couple of months, but due to time constraints and other serious obligations, I wrote it and made up a 15 minute presentation on it in a little under 24 hours, and had enough time to go to school to print it out. I was particularly proud of what came out of this research, and my interest and understanding grew hand in hand.
Furious scribbles, I like the key words that pop out in this one.
The recovery room. This is the next morning after I presented and turned in my paper that Katie was brilliant enough to capture.
Doesn't this make you want to learn?
Again, Katie supplied this terrific "after" photo. Getting a haircut was a very good decision. I definitely couldn't think, see, or talk straight. Thanks U of I for these fond memories.
Thanks for the new pictures!
When I first visited, I was totally expecting the same flint hills, but then it was like, "Holy crap! Pictures!"
However, I think I could have done without the pictures of you in bed...
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