November 16, 2005

It feels good to do things right.

This plot is the conclusion of a problem I've just completed. It describes how the temperature varies at very small distances above a surface in some sort of flow. Pr is the Prandtl number which is the measure of a fluid's viscous diffusion to it's thermal diffusion. (For a point of reference, Pr for air is around 0.75, while for molten metals it's on the order of 0.1 and lower). The computer code that I wrote to produce this plot worked flawlessly on the first try. It's a good thing when you do things right.


Anonymous said...

I still don't get your explantion of the chart means...

anya said...

i stopped trying to understand what it meant at Pr. but it looks nice and right.

Nathan said...

Okay okay, sorry I didn't define what theta and eta were.
Eta = y*[Uo/(2*mu*x)]^.5 and
Theta = (T - To)/(Tw - To)

Eta is essentially the distance from a surface, so as eta increases you get farther away from it.

Theta is ratio of the (temperature difference between a given point and the temperature far away from the surface) and (the temperature difference between the surface temperature and the temperature far way from the surface). So if theta is 1 then the temperature is the surface's temperature, and if theta is 0 then the temperature is temperature far away from the wall.

The plot shows how the transition between the wall temperature and the temperature far away occurs for different fluids.