April 8, 2007

Look what I... I mean, Liza, can do.

Suspended 2, originally uploaded by nathanbe.

I've finally uploaded some pictures from our camera. It's been since the summer that I've even transfered pictures onto the computer. The above picture is in a set of pictures that Liza took using our camera early last spring in Michigan. Pretty sweet, but now I no longer have the ability to blame the camera when a picture doesn't come out right.

And speaking of things being suspended, Katie and I rented the Illusionist, and it was great. One of the best parts was how the special lighting effects brought out the atmosphere, and the acting was really well done. I dig magic, too, and even though most was computer generated, the subtle tricks they snuck in were tres cool.

1 comment:

Katie B said...

No, they weren't computer generated, just computer enhanced! They specifically used tricks that were real and that have been used by illusionists.